
Here you can find a short overview of each example that comes with the KnowledgeMiner package. Each example file contains ready-to-use models for quick evaluation and testing.

In the Required Download

Chemistry/ Ecology

COD concentration

Problem: Water pollution
Task: Modeling, prediction
Models contained: several GMDH (auto-regressive, static and dynamic input/ output models); system of equations (multi-output system); Analog Complexing; Fuzzy Rules

This document is used intensively by the AppleGuide based tutorial.

Boiling Points

Problem: Boiling points of gases
Task: Modeling, prediction
Models contained: Static input/ output and fuzzy models
This document is referenced by the Easy Learning course.

Economy/ Finance

National Economy/USA

Problem: Behavior of the U.S. macroeconomy
Task: Prediction of 20 characteristics 2 quarters ahead
Models contained: Dynamic, linear system of equations (20 output variables, 103 input variables)


Order and Delivery of Bread

Problem: Market forecast
Task: Prediction of both characteristics 10 weeks ahead
Models contained: Auto-regressive; system of equations; Analog Complexing


Logistic Function

Problem: Functions identification
Task: Prediction
Models contained: auto-regressive GMDH


Problem: Functions identification
Task: Modeling
Models contained: Fuzzy models



Problem: Medical diagnosis
Task: Modeling, classification
Models contained: Fuzzy classification rule


In the Examples Collection

Biotechnology/ Medicine

Cancer-stricken patients

Problem: Medical diagnosis
Task: Modeling, classification
Models contained: Static input/ output model; fuzzy rules

Chemistry/ Ecology

Earth Temperature

Problem: Where is global temperature headed?
Task: Modeling, prediction (7 years)
Models contained: several Analog Complexing models; system of equations; fuzzy models

Wine Recognition

Problem: Funny wine recognition problem
Task: Modeling, classification
Models contained: GMDH and fuzzy model

Economy/ Finance

National Economy/Germany

Problem: Behavior of the German macroeconomy
Task: Prediction of 13 characteristics 2 years ahead
Models contained: Dynamic, linear system of equations (13 output variables, 64 input variables)

Balance Sheet - Lufthansa

Problem: Development of the company
Task: Prediction of 13 balance sheet characteristics 1 year ahead based on 7 records only
Models contained: Dynamic, linear system of equations (13 output variables, 25 input variables)

Stock Index Prediction

Problem: Financial markets prediction
Task: 5-day prediction
Models contained: System of equations; fuzzy models


Challenger Space Shuttle O-Ring

Problem: Extrapolation
Task: Prediction of the O-rings failure probability at 31 degree Fahrenheit
Models contained: Linear and nonlinear GMDH model


Problem: Time series prediction
Task: One-step prediction
Models contained: Nonlinear auto-regressive model

Shuttle Landing Control

Problem: Decision model generation
Task: Modeling, classification
Models contained: a fuzzy rule


CPU Performance

Problem: Comparision of several CPU vendors
Task: Modeling
Models contained: Linear and nonlinear GMDH models; fuzzy rules

Market Analysis Computer

Problem: Comparision of CPU prices
Task: Modeling
Models contained: Linear and nonlinear GMDH models; fuzzy rules

Market Analysis Flats

Problem: Comparision of various appartments
Task: Modeling
Models contained: Linear and nonlinear GMDH models; fuzzy rules


Noisy Logic Sample

Problem: Functions identification
Task: Modeling, classification
Models contained: Fuzzy model

XOR Problem

Problem: Functions identification
Task: Modeling
Models contained: Nonlinear GMDH model; Fuzzy model


1984 U.S. Congressional Voting

Problem: Party affiliation
Task: Modeling, Interpretation, classification
Models contained: Fuzzy model

Housing Boston

Problem: Housing values
Task: Modeling, Interpretation
Models contained: Nonlinear GMDH model; Fuzzy model

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Date Last Modified: 03/23/99